Scheu diy modification

  • ebony armbase.jpgI am a new member from Holland. I can read german ok but cannot write it.

    Long time ago i bought a special Scheu plattenspieler in Wuppertal and now i want to assemble it.

    The original plan was to use a fidelity research 64s tonarm with spu gold. I wanted a bigger teller but i didnt have the 66S so i asked Thomas to make a special teller.

    Now i decided to change the arm into a groovemaster 12 inch arm. With the 64S i used a special rostfrei stahl '' clamp '' to mount the arm much better than the original one. Someone told me to use ebony holz and no metal so i asked a company in England to make it for me.

    Maybe it is a little bit to high so i need move up the part that holds the lagerbuchse.

    I know there is a 8 mm schraube to attach it to the zarge. Can i just hold the alumium ring that is close to the zarge and unwind the m8? After that that i can add an extra '' ring'' made from alumium ( i work in a metal company) or ebony and use a longer m8.

    I saw somewhere on this site someone used a messing ring on his wooden zarge but i wanna keep using the original acrylic zarge. I still have the 100 or 110 mm black circle you can see in the original Scheu photo. I can also a small circle same diameter as the alumium one and add a big circle same seize as the one below the kettingkasten and fill that with bleikugeln.

    I also need to replace the original spikes because my phonostage will be partly positioned under the Scheu. I am thinking about seismic isolation pods ,magnetic levitation feet or sorbothane halbe kugeln ( 50mmm). My turntable is in a rack mounted in four corners so it is sturdy construction. Can carry my weight 86 kilo easily!.

    In the past me and my friends did several test with high mass turntables and most of the time an old Thorends TD125 with a heavier zarge would be much better so. My Scheu will be about 20 25 kilo but i think it will benefit from some kind of isolation other than just mass.

    Please share your ideas in German language.

    Greetings, Ed

    scheu mijn plateau.jpg

    scheu premier foto dik plateau met console uit Duitsland.jpg


  • Hello,

    Today did drill the 4 holes in the Scheu '' basisplatte '' with the help of a '' bohrschablone '' which i made at work with my German Trumpf tc500 cnc machine. Just a few holes needed and made two of them maintained at some distance from each other to make the drill go inside at a straight angle because i only have handheld drilling machines at home.

    Because the ebony armbasis i ordered in England is high i need to get the platter of the Scheu at a higher level too. When i got my Scheu there was an extra '' circle '' of alumium under the '' olwanne ''. But it isnt high enough for me.

    I think i should use the original '' olwanne '' but replace the alumium scheibe with something higher. Because there is a big cavity under the teller i can make a scheibe with a diameter about 110 mm and about 40 mm high. In the center there will be a 60 mm scheibe which will support the olwanne part.

    Between the 60 and the 110 mm there is a part i can fill with bleischrot?

    There is only the 8 mm long bolt that comes from under the console right to the achse so the 110 mm part will not move but maybe i should use should dubbelseitiges klebeband to allow vibrations to go from one piece into another?

    please share all your ideas.

    greetings, Ed

  • Nennt man auf Deutsch: >Künstlerpech<! Mein Beileid....

    Zitat von der Scheu-Website:

    "Zwischen der Basisplatte mit den drei höhenverstellbaren Gewindespikes und der je nach Ausführung ein- bzw. zweiflügeligen Tonarmbasis befindet sich ein zylindrischer Ring, dessen Hohlraum mit resonanzminderndem Bleischrot gefüllt ist."

    Grüße aus der Ruhrstadt:)8)

  • Hello,

    I knew there was bleischrot but this one had a very small diameter. The one with my Sota sapphire were much bigger. Die zylindrisher ring was attached to the upper part of the basisplatte. Because the achse was already attached when i got it i didnt put it upside down when turning the 8 mm bolt.

    After i know how to make the extra height ( i also asked the maker of my groovemaster tonarm how to do it according to him. It is not so easy to make an alumium scheibe 60 mm round and 40 mm high but i wanna make something that will dampen some more.

    I can ask the man in England who made the ebony armbasis in my first message to make an ebony circle. He made some metal armbasis filled with lead that can be put next to your plattenspieler because they have a high weight. But if someting from ebony is installed onto the plattenspieler like my armbasis just leave it made from wood. Drilling holes into it and adding bleischrot will not make it better!

    Tomorrow i will think about how to get the bleischrot into a kind of container. Maybe an old vacuumcleaner?

    Greetings, Ed

    p.s now i will wait for ideas about how to change the height...... In the attachment you can see my soon to buy armGrooveMaster-22_thumb1.jpg



  • Hello,

    I need a piece of material that has the dimensions of the one in the attachment.

    I found one company in my country but they are to busy. I am not sure if i will have it made from corian or pom. Please share your ideas. Danke schon. greetings, ed20180622_144039.jpg

  • Hello,

    Not easy to find a company who can make this.

    At my company we have pvc but it seems pom is much better.

    The disadvantage of pom is that it is difficult to attach something by glueing.

    In my last post there is a hole of 30*4 mm on the top side of the pom piece. I have been thinking to as a coworker to take the original Scheu black alumium piece that you can see in my first and second post, abdrehen und m12 schneiden. Then make a m12 threaded hole in the pom top side so the aluminium and the pom can be well connected. I think if you want the pom to do his/her? job of killing the vibrations they should be connected the best way possible.

    If anyone knows a company that could make a piece of pom like this please give me a link and i will get you an analoque present.

    greetings, Ed

  • Hello,

    I just got message from company in my country. I can buy the material i needed there. Tomorrow i must ask my coworker if he can use 140 mmm durchschnitt on his drehmaschine.

    Hoping for some ideas here if my way of connecting the metal and the pom is the best way to use.

    Greetings, ed

  • Hello,

    Not easy to find people who have ideas about turntable diy in Germany. I guess Germany is no longer engineering country like some decades ago.

    Of course the m12 should be bigger. We have tools for m16

    Maybe i could make a deeper space into the top of the pom and ask my coworker to make an aluminium circle which has m16 gewinde on one side with an 8 mm hole in the center. Make a m16 gewinde on the topside of the pom and turn the alumium circle inside the space created into the pom. Pom is resistant to oil so no use to use the original piece.

    greetings, Ed

  • If you have no one who can construct this peace ask : "FOH"(Tom) here in this forum !!!

    He can made it



    Alles was Spaß macht ist entweder "unmoralisch","macht dick" oder ist "zu teuer!!!"

    (War da etwa Haschisch in dem Schokoladenei)

  • Hello,

    Does anyone know the material the black part is made of that is just below the lagerbuchse. It is non magnetic so it could be alumium or stainless steel. It feels rather heavy to me. Dont wanna scratch to check what it is.

    I asked Chris from Teres in the USA how to do with my Scheu i hope he can help me with some ideas.

    If there is no answer i will probably go for the idea i described in post nr 10 in this thread.

    I had a free pair of Lundahl mc transformers for the one coming with a bright idea but there are none here.

    greetings, Ed

  • Hello,

    I just got the white POM material. Now i need some guidance from German engineering guys.

    Of course '' fachschule '' isnt at the same level as it just to be.

    Hoping to get ideas from Chris from Teres in the USA.

    I might read the French magazines where Verdier punblished his ideas.

    Of course there is still a bonus for the person who gives me a bright idea.

    greetings, ed

  • Hello,

    Here are some photos of the part that replace the original Scheu parts that are used to put the lagerbuchse in a higher posistion. The white pom material will be connected to the basdisplatte. On top there is an alumium part that has m16 gewinde that will be screwed into the pom. I think pom not hard enough to support the lagerbuchse which is not so big diameter and my platter is rather heavy.

    greetings, Ed20180712_232729.jpg


  • Hello,

    The 8 mm gewindestift oder schraube that connects the basisplatte to the lagerbuchse has to many functions. I mean there are two many parts to connect to each other when you are just using the m8 gewinde on the inside of the lagerbuchse. So i will use an extra '' mutter '' that will connect the basisplatte teile and the blechschrott so i will never open again. Then i put the pom part (which has the aluminium scheibe to support the lagerbuchse connect by m16 gewinde in both parts) on top of the bassisplatte and then use the m8 gewinde in the lagerbuchse to connect the lagerbachse, the pom part and the bassisplatte all together.

    Somewhere here i read some people not using the rubber dichtring under the lagerbuchse. Why i forget?

    Greetings, ed

  • Hello,

    The feinmechaniker who made the two parts send the 2 photos but i will receive them monday probably( postal service is horrible every where nowadays)

    The company where i bought the pom can make something like the original basisplatte too. I wanna add an extra one with its down reservoir ( with bleischrott, cannot find that with 1mm kugeln nur2 oder 3 mm) This will support the motorunit and the total '' construction '' will be put on these devices.

    Anyone ever used these for a Scheu??

    greetings, Ed

  • Hello,

    Nobody with ideas? i will move on to other sites.

    Greetings, Ed

    p.s Maybe i will the try the clearaudio ceramic magnetic bearing after selling my other Fidelity Research arm and ikeda mc transformer